Sunday, March 13, 2011

#15 The Bathrobe

Its Sunday. So you can guarantee stumbling out of bed into the living room to see Dad in His Chair uncomfortably holding up the fully opened newspaper that he stole from the neighbors. "Morning Dad" you mumble out. "Well look who is finally awake..." he sings, bringing down his newspaper revealing Dad's chosen attire for the day: The Bathrobe.

The Bathrobe is the Dad's snuggie. It provides comfort and warmth to the whole body while allowing mobility. Dad is able to fully relax in it because let's face it, Dad was running around all Saturday doing errands for mom. Sunday is Dad's day. And Dad is gonna be comfortable gosh darnit! Unlike mom who simply wears the bathrobe to and from the bathroom for her shower, Dad absorbs the bathrobe as his skin for the day.

And yes, it is appropriate for Dad to wear the bathrobe in the morning. Does this mean I get one of Dad's absurdly large breakfasts??? But then 3pm rolls around and you notice Dad is still in the Bathrobe. This is Dad's day.

Dad will wear the bathrobe regardless of what he has to do today. Reading the newspaper in the bathrobe, watching the game in the bathrobe, cooking breakfast in the bathrobe, supervising you washing his car in the bathrobe, helping you shift the tables on the the bathrobe. You get the picture. That Bathrobe is not coming off today.

And because of it Dad, we wear our sweats and hoodies as our comfort clothes because we understand we don't appreciate the wonder of The Bathrobe quite yet.

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